Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Shooting at Rescue Workers?

Seriously? What's wrong with people? Pablo said it best.

Anyone read Michael Moore's open letter to Bush? Thoughts?

If you haven't donated already: Red Cross


Blogger The Sandmonkey said...

All I know is this:

1) The mayor had to evacuate everyone by force before the hurricane as the plan said. He didn't, despite the presence of hundreds of buses that could've evacuated the city's poorest. And his police bailed out on him,

2) The governer could've rallied the National guard or allowed the fderal authorities to take over. She did neither.

3) The head of FEMA counted that the Mayor and the goevrner would take care of the thing and therefore had no plan of his own.

Those are the three people that should get fired.

America is a federation, the fedral government can not take over for the State without the State's consent. That Consent is only in the hands of the governer. The constitution says so.

But sure, blame Bush and Iraq. It never goes out of style!

1:54 AM  

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