Tuesday, May 16, 2006

I have a confession to make.

I use emoticons.



I am a writer and yet I use emoticons. Embarassing. If I still taught college English and one of my students were to use an emoticon, I would tell them it's just like adverbs: If you need one, you probably haven't expressed your thought in the best way possible.

I know people who don't use them... but still kind of do.

Let's all remember to be on our best behavior while the clients are here! (smiling!)
Say that again and I'll have to take you outside. (wink)

I think that's worse. But still.

I'm making a pact: From now on, I will not use emoticons. I won't write them on Post-Its. I won't use them in emails. I won't click on the plethora of options on Messenger. Not even the yawning face. Or the crying one. Or the goat.

Okay, maybe just the goat. A goat emoticon? Way too awesome to be ignored.

Yeah, I know. I ignore the blog forever and then I come back with emoticons. Get over it. (wink! smiling!)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hate the way IM automatically changes the semicolon-dash-close parens into a a winky face, so I usually put in an extra space, cuz when I emote, I like to do it old school.

;- )

3:16 PM  
Blogger lemmingade said...

Sorry if I gave you grief before. I've just gone through an exercise that's really changed my way of thinking. Look how much emoticons could have drastically improved these so-called great lines:

It was the best of times, it was the worst of times :-(

Do not go gentle into that good night,
Rage, rage against the dying of the light. :-P

Love is the triumph of imagination over intelligence. :-)

It is better to have loved and lost
Than never to have loved at all. :'(

Man is the only animal who blushes, or who needs to. ;-)

Take thy beak from out my heart, and take thy form from off my door! Quoth the Raven, "Nevermore." :-O

You see? Emoticons are like pixie dust for words! They just make everything so darn magical.

11:54 PM  
Blogger AirmanChet said...

So, if you use emoticons and shorthand, like brb or lmao, then could you consider yourself bilingual? I speak English and IM. btw, =;-) is practically my sig now. yep yep

12:42 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

So what wrong with a little emo every now and then?

10:38 PM  
Blogger Willie Baronet said...

Emoticons perform a vital function since most of this type of writing is more like talking anyway. :-)

Right? ;-P

8:58 PM  

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